Let's get started

Daniel Ramirez | Sep 30, 2023 min read

I have been thinking about starting a blog for a while now. For one reason or another, I continued to delay getting it going. I had a lot of excuses:

  • I am not a good enough writer
  • I don’t have anything super interesting to write about
  • Between kids, work, and life, I definitely don’t have time to write

The list goes on and on, but the truth is there is so much to learn from writing. I have been inspired by so many people who have shared their knowledge and experiences through blogs. They have helped me learn and grow, so I hope that I can do the same for others.


As a military veteran, I have an especially soft spot for helping other veterans. I have been fortunate enough to have a successful career in tech and I want to help other veterans do the same. By sharing my experiences and knowledge, I hope to inspire and help both veterans and non-veterans alike. Ask anyone in tech, there is always something new to learn. This endeavour will hopefully help me document my endless learning journey and hopefully share some tips/tricks I pickup along the way. I anticipate this blog will help me continually improve on existing skills, such as documentation, communication, reflection, and critical thinking. These essential skills for any engineer are sometimes easy to forget about when you are heads down hacking away to get a job done.

What to expect

My plan is to write about a variety of topics on a regular basis, probably every other week or so to ease into this. A majority of the blogs will likely be about software development, DevOps, and cloud computing, however I also plan on sharing my journey about transitioning from the military and getting more involved in the veteran community, tech industry, and more.

I hope that you will find something useful here and I look forward to connecting with you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out via any one of my social media accounts or email.

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